Wednesday, 20 June 2007

Did you Put the Dhivehi cd

everytime somone calls tell me that their system is restarting or they couldnt login to their pc i ask them did you try to watch the latest dhivehi vedeo cd and almost all the time the answer is yes. its the new way of protecting against piracy by the producers. i could understand them trying to prevent piracy but does it needs such drastic matters. i may be the only one to think like this but i think using those methods they use now to prevent piracy is a little over the wall. there should be other ways of doing it.


Anonymous said...

use isobuster to play CD's.

Anonymous said...

hey pal u should check this,

Anonymous said...

avoidable huh, the idea is great but it's way of speaking is awful. I wont recommend it to anyone because of it.

Anonymous said...

What we need are tougher laws against Piracy in the country and a better understanding by the public of how Piracy affects the companies making the products.

BTW what is this CD about? I am residing abroad ATM.

thakurubey said...

dhivehi vedio songs