Monday, 24 September 2007

when will the new attorney general be sworn in?

Its been days now after the resignation of the attorney general and still no one has been appointed to the post. all the otheres who resigned have been replaced. in the case of the attorney general ots still vacant. ofcourse information minister us overlooking the office but he has stated that he dont want it to be a permanent post. some newspapers have reported that the president want to divide the tasks of the attorney general some of it coming under the information minter. and it has also been reported that the new attorney general would be the current home minister. the president have said even with the resignation of the ministers government would survive and the information minister have stated that the post of atttorney genral has ben selected and the president will nominate the person after he returned from his jordan trip. it's been days after that and still the post is empty. either the government dosent know what to do to the post or the government probably dosent have someone they can trust to be as attorney general after all the post hold a critical power at this changing times and the government would be very careful who they appoint to the post. the latest attorney general shocked the the government to be cautious in their decison. lets wait and see

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