Friday, 17 August 2007

another resignation?

today there was a rumour that Dr shaheed , the foreign minister has resigned. i couldnt beleive what i heard so i did what i always do when i hear such things. try to establish the truth in these rumours.i asked different people about it all of them have the same answer. there is a rumour that he has resigned. so i went through the local newspaper websites. they say he said that he haven't resigned newspaper even claimed that he had an understanding to make the resignation secret till sunday.another newspaper qouted him as saying that he met the president today and he told the president " i dont want to let corrupt politician do whatever they want" and the president is said to have told " he would all support to pull out the corrupton". what ever the case the fact is something happened today and there are some reservation on Dr shaheed about the government. what did he mean by "corrupt politicians". does this mean that what Dr saeed and jaleel said after resigning is true?. what ever it is this shows that there are problems inside the government and it needs to solve the issues whithin itself. if DRP is the ruling party then it needs to resolve the issue within the this the start of the fall of the current government?. How will the president tackle this resignation issue. will the people trust the replacement for the government. well lets wait till sunday to see if the rumours that are circulating now are true. lets just wait

1 comment:

Ameer said...

Dr. Shaheed aai adhives dhenthibi Ministerun isthiufaa dhevviyas keethho kuravvaanee. Maumoon ehunnevee aailaa kudhin govaigenves maru dhuvahaa jehendhen verikan kuran foogalhaafa.